
You can now run different PHP versions per project: Release v3.0.0-beta-0.1 Docker Toolbox: Xdebug for PhpStorm

Docker Toolbox regardless of running on MacOS or Windows requires an additional port-forward from your host operating system to the Docker Toolbox machine.

Table of Contents Prerequisites General

Ensure you know how to customize php.ini values for the Devilbox and have a rough understanding about common Xdebug options. Docker Toolbox port-forward

Forward host port 9000 to Docker Toolbox machine:

Your IDE/editor will open up port 9000 on your host operating system. PHP Xdebug requires this port to connect to in order to send Xdebug events. As Docker Toolbox itself runs in a virtual machine, you need to forward traffic from the same port in that virtual machine back to your host operating system. Assumption

For the sake of this example, we will assume the following settings and file system paths:

Directory Path
Devilbox git directory /home/cytopia/repo/devilbox
Resulting local project path /home/cytopia/repo/devilbox/data/www
Selected PHP version 5.6

The Resulting local project path is the path where all projects are stored locally on your host operating system. No matter what this path is, the equivalent remote path (inside the Docker container) is always /shared/httpd.


Remember this, when it comes to path mapping in your IDE/editor configuration. Configuration Configure PhpStorm

1. Ensure Xdebug port is set to 9000


PHPStorm settings: Xdebug

2. Set path mapping

Create a new PHP server and set a path mapping. This tutorial assumes your local Devilbox projects to be in ./data/www of the Devilbox git directory:


PHPStorm settings: path mapping


Recall the path settings from the Assumption section and adjust if your configuration differs!

3. Ensure DBGp proxy settings are configured


PHPStorm settings: DBGp Proxy Configure php.ini


The following example show how to configure PHP Xdebug for PHP 5.6:

Create an xdebug.ini file (must end by .ini):

# Navigate to the Devilbox git directory
host> cd path/to/devilbox

# Navigate to PHP 5.6 ini configuration directory
host> cd cfg/php-ini-5.6/

# Create and open debug.ini file
host> vi xdebug.ini

Copy/paste all of the following lines into the above created xdebug.ini file:

; Defaults

; The Docker Toolbox way

; idekey value is specific to PhpStorm

; Optional: Set to true to always auto-start xdebug


Ensure the port-forward is in place as mentioned in the Prerequisites section.


Host os and editor specific settings are highlighted in yellow and are worth googling to get a better understanding of the tools you use and to be more efficient at troubleshooting. Restart the Devilbox

Restarting the Devilbox is important in order for it to read the new PHP settings. Note that the following example only starts up PHP, HTTPD and Bind.

# Navigate to the Devilbox git directory
host> cd path/to/devilbox

# Stop, remove stopped container and start
host> docker-compose stop
host> docker-compose rm
host> docker-compose up php httpd bind

See also

Stop and Restart (Why do docker-compose rm?)