
You can now run different PHP versions per project: Release v3.0.0-beta-0.1

Enable and configure ELK Stack

This section will guide you through getting ELK stack (Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana) integrated into the Devilbox.

Table of Contents


Available overwrites

The Devilbox ships various example configurations to overwrite the default stack. Those files are located under compose/ in the Devilbox git directory.

docker-compose.override.yml-all has all examples combined in one file for easy copy/paste. However, each example also exists in its standalone file as shown below:

host> tree -L 1 compose/
├── docker-compose.override.yml-all
├── docker-compose.override.yml-blackfire
├── docker-compose.override.yml-elk
├── docker-compose.override.yml-mailhog
├── docker-compose.override.yml-meilisearch
├── docker-compose.override.yml-ngrok
├── docker-compose.override.yml-php-community
├── docker-compose.override.yml-python-flask
├── docker-compose.override.yml-rabbitmq
├── docker-compose.override.yml-solr
├── docker-compose.override.yml-varnish

0 directories, 10 files

ELK settings

In case of ELK stack, the file is compose/docker-compose.override.yml-elk. This file must be copied into the root of the Devilbox git directory.

What How and where
Example compose file compose/docker-compose.override.yml-all or


What How and where
Container IP address
Container host name logstash
Container name logstash
Mount points none
Exposed port 9600 (can be changed via .env)
Available at tcp://localhost:9600
Further configuration .env vars


What How and where
Container IP address
Container host name kibana
Container name kibana
Mount points none
Exposed port 9600 (can be changed via .env)
Available at tcp://localhost:9600
Further configuration .env vars

ELK env variables

Additionally the following .env variables can be created for easy configuration:

Elastic Search

Variable Default value Description
HOST_PORT_ELK_ELASTIC 9200 Controls the host port on which Elastic Search will be available at.
ELK_SERVER 6.6.1 Controls the ELK stack version to use.
TIMEZONE UTC Timezone for Elastic Search (already available in .env).


Variable Default value Description
HOST_PORT_ELK_LOGSTASH 9600 Controls the host port on which Logstash will be available at.
ELK_SERVER 6.6.1 Controls the ELK stack version to use.
TIMEZONE UTC Timezone for Logstash (already available in .env).


Variable Default value Description
HOST_PORT_ELK_KIBANA 5601 Controls the host port on which Kibana will be available at.
ELK_SERVER 6.6.1 Controls the ELK stack version to use.
TIMEZONE UTC Timezone for Kibana (already available in .env).


1. Copy docker-compose.override.yml

Copy the ELK stack Docker Compose overwrite file into the root of the Devilbox git directory. (It must be at the same level as the default docker-compose.yml file).

host> cp compose/docker-compose.override.yml-elk docker-compose.override.yml

2. Adjust .env settings (optional)

The ELK stack is using sane defaults, which can be changed by adding variables to the .env file and assigning custom values.

Add the following variables to .env and adjust them to your needs:

# ELK stack general
# See here for all versions:

# Elastic Search settings

# Logstash settings

# Kibana settings

See also

.env file

3. Start the Devilbox

The final step is to start the Devilbox with ELK stack.

Let’s assume you want to start php, httpd, bind, elastic, logstash, kibana.

host> docker-compose up -d php httpd bind elastic logstash kibana


For the lazy readers, here are all commands required to get you started. Simply copy and paste the following block into your terminal from the root of your Devilbox git directory:

# Copy compose-override.yml into place
cp compose/docker-compose.override.yml-elk docker-compose.override.yml

# Create .env variable
echo "# ELK stack general"               >> .env
echo "# See here for all versions:"      >> .env
echo "#"  >> .env
echo "#ELK_SERVER=6.1.4"                 >> .env
echo "#ELK_SERVER=6.2.4"                 >> .env
echo "#ELK_SERVER=6.3.2"                 >> .env
echo "#ELK_SERVER=6.4.3"                 >> .env
echo "#ELK_SERVER=6.5.4"                 >> .env
echo "ELK_SERVER=6.6.1"                  >> .env
echo "# Elastic Search settings"         >> .env
echo "HOST_PORT_ELK_ELASTIC=9200"        >> .env
echo "# Logstash settings"               >> .env
echo "HOST_PORT_ELK_LOGSTASH=9600"       >> .env
echo "# Kibana settings"                 >> .env
echo "HOST_PORT_ELK_KIBANA=5601"         >> .env

# Start container
docker-compose up -d php httpd bind elastic logstash kibana