
You can now run different PHP versions per project: Release v3.0.0-beta-0.1

Available toolsΒΆ

Each PHP container version brings the same tools, so you can safely switch versions without having to worry to have less or more tools available.

The PHP container is your workhorse and these are your tools:

Binary Tool
ansible Ansible
various binaries awesome-ci
brew Linux brew
codecept Codeception
composer Composer
dep Deployer
drush Drush
drupal Drupal Console
eslint ESLint
git Git
git-flow Git flow
gulp Gulp
grunt Grunt
jsonlint JSON lint
laravel Laravel installer
linkcheck linkcheck
lumen Laravel Lumen
mdl Markdown lint
mdlint MD linter
mongo* Various MongoDB client tools
mysql* Various MySQL client tools
mysqldump-secure mysqldump-secure
ng Angular CLI
node Node
npm NPM
pg* Various PostgreSQL client tools
phalcon Phalcon DevTools
php-cs-fixer PHP-CS-Fixer
phpcs PHP CodeSniffer
phpcbf PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer
phpmd PHP Mess Detector
phpunit PHPUnit
photon Photon CMS cli
pm2 pm2
redis* Various Redis client tools
sass Sass
scss-lint SCSS Lint
ssh OpenSSH
symfony Symfony installer
tig Text-mode Interface for Git
vue Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development
webpack Webpack
wp Wordpress CLI
yamllint Yamllint
yarn Yarn
yq yq


If you are in need of other tools, open up an issue at Github and ask for it, this can usually be implemented very quickly.

See also

If you ever feel those tools are out-dated, simply update your Docker images. Docker images are built every night to ensure latest tools and security patches: Update Docker images