Important Announcement

Everybody is strongly encouraged to switch to the upcoming v1.0.0 release version to prevent unforseen issues upon merge to master.

Instructions here:

SSH into Docker Toolbox

Table of Contents


You shell must have an SSH client (the ssh command or equivalent).


Before going to use the automated approach, you should understand how to fetch all required information via the docker-machine command.

Gather all information

  1. Get active Toolbox machine name

    host> docker-machine active
  2. Print all information

    host> docker-machine -D ssh default
    Host : localhost
    Port : 51701
    User : docker
    Key : .docker\machine\machines\default\id_rsa

Gather specific information

  1. Get active Toolbox machine name

    host> docker-machine active
  2. Get SSH username (Using machine name default from above)

    host> docker-machine inspect default --format={{.Driver.SSHUser}}
  3. Get SSH public key (Using machine name default from above)

    host> docker-machine inspect default --format={{.Driver.SSHKeyPath}}
  4. Get local SSH port (Using machine name default from above)

    host> docker-machine inspect default --format={{.Driver.SSHPort}}
  5. Get Docker Toolbox IP address (Using machine name default from above)

    host> docker-machine ip default

SSH into Docker Toolbox

Now with the above gathered information you can ssh into Docker Toolbox in two different ways:

  1. via local port-forwarded ssh port (automatically forwarded by Docker Toolbox)

    host> ssh -i .docker\machine\machines\default\id_rsa -p 51701 docker@
  2. via Docker Toolbox IP address

    host> ssh -i .docker\machine\machines\default\id_rsa docker@


Instead of typing all of the above manually each time, you can also create a small bash script to automate this.

  1. Create a file and add the following to it:
    docker_machine_name=$(docker-machine active)
    docker_ssh_user=$(docker-machine inspect $docker_machine_name --format={{.Driver.SSHUser}})
    docker_ssh_key=$(docker-machine inspect $docker_machine_name --format={{.Driver.SSHKeyPath}})
    docker_ssh_port=$(docker-machine inspect $docker_machine_name --format={{.Driver.SSHPort}})
    ssh -i $docker_ssh_key -p $docker_ssh_port $docker_ssh_user@localhost
  2. Run it:

    host> bash