Important Announcement

Everybody is strongly encouraged to switch to the upcoming v1.0.0 release version to prevent unforseen issues upon merge to master.

Instructions here:

Backup and restore PostgreSQL

Backup and restore will be necessary when you are going to switch PostgreSQL versions. Each version has its own data directory and is fully indepentend of other versions. In case you want to switch to a different version, but still want to have your PostgreSQL databases present, you must first backup the databases of your current version and import them into the new version.

There are multiple ways to backup and restore. Chose the one which is most convenient for you.

Table of Contents



pg_dump is bundled with each PHP container and reay to use. To backup a database named my_db_name follow the below listed example:

# Navigate to the Devilbox directory
host> cd path/to/devilbox

# Enter the PHP container
host> ./

# Run pg_dump
devilbox@php-7.1.6 in /shared/httpd $ pg_dump -h pgsql -U postgres -W my_db_name > /shared/backups/pgsql/my_db_name.sql


If you do not like to use the command line for backups, you can use phpPgAdmin . It comes bundled with the devilbox intranet.


If you do not like to use the command line for backups, you can use Adminer . It comes bundled with the devilbox intranet.



In order to restore or import PostgreSQL databases on the command line, you need to use pgsql . Here are a few examples for different file types:

*.sql file

# Navigate to the Devilbox directory
host> cd path/to/devilbox

# Enter the PHP container
host> ./

# Start the import
devilbox@php-7.1.6 in /shared/httpd $ psql -h pgsql -U postgres -W my_db_name < /shared/backups/pgsql/my_db_name.sql

*.sql.gz file

# Navigate to the Devilbox directory
host> cd path/to/devilbox

# Enter the PHP container
host> ./

# Start the import
devilbox@php-7.1.6 in /shared/httpd $ zcat /shared/backups/pgsql/my_db_name.sql.gz | psql -h pgsql -U postgres -W my_db_name

*.sql.tar.gz file

# Navigate to the Devilbox directory
host> cd path/to/devilbox

# Enter the PHP container
host> ./

# Start the import
devilbox@php-7.1.6 in /shared/httpd $ tar xzOf /shared/backups/pgsql/my_db_name.sql.tar.gz | psql -h pgsql -U postgres -W my_db_name


phpPgAdmin supports importing many different formats out-of-the-box. Simply select the compressed or uncompressed file and press Go in the import section of the web interface.


Adminer supports importing of plain (*.sql) or gzipped compressed (*.sql.gz) files out-of-the-box. Simply select the compressed or uncompressed file and press Execute in the import section of the web interface.